Funeral arrangements for Zane Bachman: Visitation tomorrow (Monday) from 2 – 4 PM & 6 – 8 PM at the Auble-Gillman Funeral Home. The funeral will be on Tuesday at 10:30 AM at the Auble-Gillman Funeral Home with visitation from 9:30 – 10:15 AM. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board for food donations. Click here to view the obituary
This afternoon, we plan to have a shorten service followed by our annual Business Meeting. The Business Meeting should conclude by 2:15 PM.
There will be a meeting today at 12:15 PM for current juniors and parents who are interested in attending the Jamaica trip this year. We plan to meet in the Intermediate Sunday School room.
The ushers would like to thank everyone who has served as a door greeter in the past several years. There is a list of previous greeters posted on the bulletin board. Please review and make any changes to the list by Jan 26. Any other brothers or converts interested in being door greeters should add their names and indicate their time preference. If you have any other questions, please see one of the ushers.
It is time to plan for our 2025 Invite-a-Family weekends. They are scheduled for March 8-9 and Labor Day weekend August 30-31. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board. Please add or cross off your name and indicate which weekend you prefer to host. All are welcome and we encourage additional families to participate. Today is the last day to sign-up. If you have any questions, contact Sis. Kelly Gasser or Sis. Jackie Gasser.
The friends singing for tomorrow evening will be held at Bro. Aaron & Sis. Deb Gasser’s home at 7:30 PM.
There will be spring cleaning at the HarvestCall Center for the carpeted room and Kitchen area this coming Saturday, Feb 1 from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
The annual HarvestCall business meeting will be on Monday, Feb 3 at 7:30 PM at the HarvestCall Center. All are welcome to attend. If you have questions, please contact Bro. Jim Gasser or Bro. Novko Atanasov.
It is time to update the 2025 rotating potluck list. There is a list posted on the bulletin board. Please make any changes by Sunday, Feb 2. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Derek or Sis. Juliet Nieman.
Our communion service is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 8 at 7:00 PM. Elder Bro. John Wiegand from Silverton plans to be with us. We encourage all of our Brothers and Sisters be with us as well as our converts to observe on this special evening.
Testimonies and baptisms for the weekend of Feb 22 & 23 have been canceled.
The new Statement of Faith is available and copies are available in the lobby.
Gateway Woods has a crucial need for houseparents. In 2024, the residential program at Gateway Woods received referrals for 595 young people who needed treatment. We were able to place 24 or 4% of those young people. We want to be able to serve more children and families, but we need people to come serve with us! This is a great opportunity for mission-minded couples of any age who are ready to live out their faith with young people, many of whom have never heard about Jesus. We believe our denomination supports the mission of Gateway Woods and that God is still leading people into his service. We would encourage couples/families to pray about this opportunity and to reach out with any questions. This is a full-time paid position with benefits in one of the most highly rated residential treatment facilities in Indiana.
AC LifePoints has an immediate opening for a Director of Nursing in our Group Homes. This position reports directly to the Group Home Administrator and oversees the Group Home nurses. The need to have strong nursing experience, solid management and leadership skills, exceptional critical thinking and decision making skills. Most important the right individual will support and promote the mission of AC LifePoints and weave it into his or her ministry. If you or someone you know may be interested in exploring this opportunity, please share this message with them. While we ask that you pray about this opportunity we also ask that you apply sooner
rather than later. Visit for more information and to apply.
Click here to read a letter from the Lamar, MO congregation
Apostolic Christian Church