

By Rittman Web Manager February 16, 2025
We have a carry in meal planned at the Fellowship Hall for today at 5:00 PM with a singing planned for 7:00 PM. Meat, bread and potatoes will be provided and all are welcome. The friends singing for tomorrow evening will be held at Bro. Shane & Sis. Suzanne Hartzler's home at 7:30 PM. Our students in grade 9-12 are invited to hear Bro. Fedi Davidovics speak at Heritage Private School on Saturday, Feb 15 at 5:45 PM. He will speak of the hardship of his growing up, his escape from communism and journey of faith. Supper will be provided. The Board of Trustees of the Apostolic Christian Village would like to invite anyone who is interested, to attend the Annual Membership meeting occurring Feb 18 at 7:00 PM at the new Aspen Square Community Room. Topics to be discussed are financial status of the Village, updates on Aspen Square, long-range planning information regarding other projects on the campus, and votes regarding new board members and Code of Regulations changes to include the Canaan Church. Click here for a copy of the proposed Code of Regulations. We appreciate your prayers and support of the Village. We thank you for your ongoing support, The Apostolic Christian Village Board Engagement: Sis. Maddie Baltic to Bro. Evan Fehr (West Bend, IA). Sis. Maddie is the daughter of Bro. Milan and Sis. Amy Baltic and Bro. Evan is the son of Bro. Byron and Sis. Anita Fehr. Visiting Minister: Elder Bro. John Wiegand (Silverton)
By Rittman Web Manager February 9, 2025
Today is the last day to update the 2025 rotating potluck list. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Derek or Sis. Juliet Nieman. The annual HarvestCall business meeting will be tomorrow at 7:30 PM at the HarvestCall Center. All are welcome to attend. If you have questions, please contact Bro. Jim Gasser or Bro. Novko Atanasov. Our communion service is scheduled for this coming Saturday at 7:00 PM. Elder Bro. John Wiegand from Silverton plans to be with us. We encourage all of our Brothers and Sisters be with us as well as our converts to observe on this special evening. Our next special topics class for students in grades 7-12 is planned for next Sunday, Feb 9 during morning service. We have a carry in meal planned at the Fellowship Hall for next Sunday, Feb 9 at 5:00 PM with a singing planned for 7:00 PM. Meat, bread and potatoes will be provided and all are welcome. The Board of Trustees of the Apostolic Christian Village would like to invite anyone who is interested, to attend the Annual Membership meeting occurring Feb 18 at 7:00 PM at the new Aspen Square Community Room. Topics to be discussed are financial status of the Village, updates on Aspen Square, long-range planning information regarding other projects on the campus, and votes regarding new board members and Code of Regulations changes to include the Canaan Church. We appreciate your prayers and support of the Village. We thank you for your ongoing support, The Apostolic Christian Village Board Testimonies and baptisms for the weekend of Feb 22 & 23 have been canceled. The next Silver Lining reader-submitted article is set for May 2025. The topic is: Faith in Dark Valleys: Describe how God sustained you or an acquaintance during a challenging season – drawing strength from his Word. (Psalm 23:4) Please submit your contribution (length = 600 words or less) on this topic to [email protected] by March 15, 2025. You may email that same address for writing support or clarification. Singing tonight is at the Akron Fellowship Center at 7:00 PM with a snack to follow. Attire is singing clothes and all are welcome. Thank you note: The Zane Bachman family would like to thank all who showed their love and support through cards, text, food and visits. The kindness will never be forgotten in our hearts. The Zane Bachman Family Click here to read the February newsletter from Apostolic Christian Village
By Rittman Web Manager February 2, 2025
Funeral arrangements for Zane Bachman: Visitation tomorrow (Monday) from 2 – 4 PM & 6 – 8 PM at the Auble-Gillman Funeral Home. The funeral will be on Tuesday at 10:30 AM at the Auble-Gillman Funeral Home with visitation from 9:30 – 10:15 AM. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board for food donations. Click here to view the obituary This afternoon, we plan to have a shorten service followed by our annual Business Meeting. The Business Meeting should conclude by 2:15 PM. There will be a meeting today at 12:15 PM for current juniors and parents who are interested in attending the Jamaica trip this year. We plan to meet in the Intermediate Sunday School room. The ushers would like to thank everyone who has served as a door greeter in the past several years. There is a list of previous greeters posted on the bulletin board. Please review and make any changes to the list by Jan 26. Any other brothers or converts interested in being door greeters should add their names and indicate their time preference. If you have any other questions, please see one of the ushers. It is time to plan for our 2025 Invite-a-Family weekends. They are scheduled for March 8-9 and Labor Day weekend August 30-31. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board. Please add or cross off your name and indicate which weekend you prefer to host. All are welcome and we encourage additional families to participate. Today is the last day to sign-up . If you have any questions, contact Sis. Kelly Gasser or Sis. Jackie Gasser. The friends singing for tomorrow evening will be held at Bro. Aaron & Sis. Deb Gasser’s home at 7:30 PM. There will be spring cleaning at the HarvestCall Center for the carpeted room and Kitchen area this coming Saturday, Feb 1 from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The annual HarvestCall business meeting will be on Monday, Feb 3 at 7:30 PM at the HarvestCall Center. All are welcome to attend. If you have questions, please contact Bro. Jim Gasser or Bro. Novko Atanasov. It is time to update the 2025 rotating potluck list. There is a list posted on the bulletin board. Please make any changes by Sunday, Feb 2. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Derek or Sis. Juliet Nieman. Our communion service is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 8 at 7:00 PM. Elder Bro. John Wiegand from Silverton plans to be with us. We encourage all of our Brothers and Sisters be with us as well as our converts to observe on this special evening. Testimonies and baptisms for the weekend of Feb 22 & 23 have been canceled. The new Statement of Faith is available and copies are available in the lobby. Gateway Woods has a crucial need for houseparents. In 2024, the residential program at Gateway Woods received referrals for 595 young people who needed treatment. We were able to place 24 or 4% of those young people. We want to be able to serve more children and families, but we need people to come serve with us! This is a great opportunity for mission-minded couples of any age who are ready to live out their faith with young people, many of whom have never heard about Jesus. We believe our denomination supports the mission of Gateway Woods and that God is still leading people into his service. We would encourage couples/families to pray about this opportunity and to reach out with any questions. This is a full-time paid position with benefits in one of the most highly rated residential treatment facilities in Indiana. AC LifePoints has an immediate opening for a Director of Nursing in our Group Homes. This position reports directly to the Group Home Administrator and oversees the Group Home nurses. The need to have strong nursing experience, solid management and leadership skills, exceptional critical thinking and decision making skills. Most important the right individual will support and promote the mission of AC LifePoints and weave it into his or her ministry. If you or someone you know may be interested in exploring this opportunity, please share this message with them. While we ask that you pray about this opportunity we also ask that you apply sooner rather than later. Visit for more information and to apply. Click here to read a letter from the Lamar, MO congregation
By Rittman Web Manager January 26, 2025
Zane Bachman (Sis. Betty) passed away. Arrangements are pending. Sunday School is scheduled to resume next Sunday, Jan 26, at 9:25 AM. On Sunday, Jan 26, there will be a meeting for current juniors and parents who are interested in attending the Jamaica trip this year. We plan to meet at 12:15 PM in the Intermediate Sunday School room. Next Sunday afternoon, we plan to have a shortened service followed by our annual Business Meeting. The Business Meeting should conclude by 2:15 PM. The ushers would like to thank everyone who has served as a door greeter in the past several years. There is a list of previous greeters posted on the bulletin board. Please review and make any changes to the list by Jan 26. Any other brothers or converts interested in being door greeters should add their names and indicate their time preference. If you have any other questions, please see one of the ushers. It is time to update the 2025 rotating potluck list. There is a list posted on the bulletin board. Please make any changes by Sunday, Feb 2. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Derek or Sis. Juliet Nieman. It is time to plan for our 2025 Invite-a-Family weekends. They are scheduled for March 8-9 and Labor Day weekend August 30-31. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board. Please add or cross off your name and indicate which weekend you prefer to host. All are welcome and we encourage additional families to participate. The list will be up until Jan 26. If you have any questions, contact Sis. Kelly Gasser or Sis. Jackie Gasser. On Thursday, Feb 6, a women’s evening is planned for fellowship and singing at the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM. Sisters, friends and 6th grade & up girls are all invited. Register on the bulletin board by today. If you have any questions, see Sis. Jill Gasser. Our communion service is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 8 at 7:00 PM. Elder Bro. John Wiegand from Silverton plans to be with us. We encourage all of our Brothers and Sisters be with us as well as our converts to observe on this special evening. ACCFS will be hosting its 2025 Perfecting Love | Discipleship Conference on March 15 in Bluffton North, IN. This year's theme, Elements of Discipleship , is focused on helping attendees consider components needed for discipleship to flourish in their local church communities. We look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship. More information as well as registration for this in-person event can be found at . We encourage you to consider joining us!
By Rittman Web Manager January 19, 2025
We have a carry in meal planned at the Fellowship Hall for today at 5:00 PM with a singing planned for 7:00 PM. The carry in meal will be an all potluck. The main dish will not be provided. All are welcome. The friends singing for tomorrow evening will be held at Bro. John & Sis. Julie Grimm’s home at 7:30 PM. It is time to update the 2025 rotating potluck list. There is a list posted on the bulletin board. Please make any changes by Sunday, Feb 2. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Derek or Sis. Juliet Nieman. It is time to plan for our 2025 Invite-a-Family weekends. They are scheduled for March 8-9 and Labor Day weekend August 30-31. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board. Please add or cross off your name and indicate which weekend you prefer to host. All are welcome and we encourage additional families to participate. The list will be up until Jan 26. If you have any questions, contact Sis. Kelly Gasser or Sis. Jackie Gasser. On Sunday, Jan 26, there will be a meeting for current juniors and parents who are interested in attending the Jamaica trip this year. We plan to meet at 12:15 PM in the Intermediate Sunday School room. On Thursday, Feb 6, a women’s evening is planned for fellowship and singing at the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM. Sisters, friends and 6th grade & up girls are all invited. Register on the bulletin board by Jan 19. If you have any questions, see Sis. Jill Gasser. New convert this week at Canaan: Lily Henico (Bro. Ben & Sis. Joanne) Engagement at Akron: Bro. Nathan Botosan to Sis. Hayley Manz (Junction). Parents are Bro. Victor & Sis. Tammy Botosan and Bro. Scott & Sis. Sarah Manz Click here to view an update from the Altadena congregation on the fires in California
By Rittman Web Manager January 12, 2025
Today is the last Sunday for the Meat Canning collection. Our communion is scheduled for Saturday, Feb 8. This afternoon we plan to encourage preparation for that special time for our church. Our annual Sunday School meeting will be held this Thursday, Jan 9 at 7:00 PM in the Intermediate Sunday School area. All teachers are encouraged to attend as well as those who have an interest in the Sunday School. Please use the west entrance that evening. We have a carry in meal planned at the Fellowship Hall for next Sunday, Jan 12 at 5:00 PM with a singing planned for 7:00 PM. The carry in meal will be an all potluck. The main dish will not be provided. All are welcome. On Thursday, Feb 6, a women’s evening is planned for fellowship and singing at the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM. Sisters, friends and 6th grade & up girls are all invited. Register on the bulletin board by Jan 19. If you have any questions, see Sis. Jill Gasser. As most of you are aware there are a number of our smaller churches that receive minister support from the larger churches. We thank you for your support in prayer and travel as we have served during 2024. The 2025 schedule for our Rittman ministers to serve these congregations is posted on the bulletin board and also on the Minister Travel page of the website. If you have any questions, please see Bro. Tom who oversees our rotation assignments, or speak with the brother who has the individual assignment. We encourage you to continue supporting our ministering brothers when serving these smaller congregations. Also, if you are traveling in the proximity of these smaller churches, we would encourage you to worship with them. The Sunday School Curriculum Committee, a part of Onward Media, is excited to share an update with the church! In the past year, our dedicated team of authors, reviewers, coordinators, and illustrators across our congregations have written over 300 preschool through 12th-grade lessons. Nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years! This is a testimony of God's faithfulness and the hard work of our volunteers. Please thank those in your congregation who have been contributing! We aim to write the remaining 220 lessons by December 2025 and have the finished product ready afterward. However, you can access these lessons in their current format on our website. To finish, we need additional authors and reviewers: ten volunteers in high school, four in junior high, and two in first and second grade. Additional help for general review, copyright, and apologetics would also be appreciated. We need brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week writing and reviewing lessons that come alongside our families in teaching who God is, what he has done, and how he wants our students...the future of our live. For more information about the project watch this video and visit our website ( ). To volunteer, please sign up via this link or at our website by January 19. Please continue to pray God directs this work and brings us the volunteers we need. Planning has begun for the ALive 2025 weekend over Memorial Day (May 23 - May 26). This year’s theme will be Inward. Outward. Upward in our Postmodern Age , with Bros. Mike Grimm, Matthew Moore, and Jon Stoller bringing forth the word throughout the weekend. The weekend will also include worship through song, fellowship, and several camp activities. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue hosting at “The Vision” Christian retreat in Huntsville, AL ( . As a small congregation, we have cherished the relationships and encouragement past ALive weekends have created for our local church family. For more event details visit . For any updates on the event, follow us on Facebook or Instagram @ALiveAlabama. Another avenue for information is to be added to our email list via the form on our website. Registration begins February first, at which time links for event registration will be available via all forums. As the committee continues planning, we covet prayers for ALive25 to glorify God and fulfill the vision of creating an environment of rest and revival where cross-generational relationships continue to be strengthened and cultivated. We are eagerly awaiting the weekend and look forward to seeing y’all there! “And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:11 In Christ, The ALive25 planning committee on behalf of the Athens Congregation Thank you note: Dear Ones, Words cannot express how grateful we are for all of the love, prayers and support we felt during our years of service at Good Vision Farm in Haiti. God is so faithful! We ask your continued prayers for the Haitian people and for us as we transition back to life here in the states. Least ones, Bro. Eric & Sis. Melanie Stoller.
By Rittman Web Manager January 5, 2025
Our annual collection for Meat Canning is scheduled for today and also next Sunday. The friends singing for tomorrow evening will be held at Bro. Ryan & Sis. Julie Steiner's home at 7:30 PM. Our New Year's Day service will be on Wednesday at 10:00 AM. There will be no mid-week service on Wednesday evening this week. We’re excited to begin planning for this year’s Vacation Bible School, happening June 2–6, 2025, and we’d love your help! Whether you’re interested in leading a group, helping with crafts, helping with snacks, or assisting in other areas, your time and talents can make a lasting impact on our youth as we share the love of Jesus. This sign-up is not a commitment but will help us get a head start on planning during January and February, so we’re well-prepared before the busier months arrive. If you’re interested in being part of this rewarding experience, please take a moment to fill out the form by clicking here . Thank you for considering how you can be part of this special ministry! If you have any questions, see Sis. Joy Gardner, Sis. Calla Dotterer, Sis. Lynn Baltic. Singing tonight is at the Columbus Church at 6:30 PM. Visiting Ministers: Bro. Tyler Endress (Bradford), Bro. David Gasser (Peachtree City), Bro. Neil Stoller (Croghan), Bro. Dana Nieman (Remington) Click here to view the January newsletter from Apostolic Christian Village
By Rittman Web Manager December 29, 2024
It is time to update the list for coffee makers. If you would like to add or remove your name from the list see the bulletin board. See Sis. Jill Gasser with any questions. Our Christmas Day service will be on Wednesday at 10:00 AM. There will be no mid-week service on Wednesday evening this week. Bro. Eric & Sis. Melanie Stoller have completed their committed time to the Dairy in Haiti and are transitioning home. Lord willing, they plan to begin traveling this Friday, Dec 27, and if all goes well, they should be home next Sunday, Dec 29. Please welcome them and pray for them as they travel and transition back home. Our annual collection for Meat Canning is scheduled for the next two Sundays, Dec 29 and Jan 5. We’re excited to begin planning for this year’s Vacation Bible School, happening June 2–6, 2025, and we’d love your help! Whether you’re interested in leading a group, helping with crafts, helping with snacks, or assisting in other areas, your time and talents can make a lasting impact on our youth as we share the love of Jesus. This sign-up is not a commitment but will help us get a head start on planning during January and February, so we’re well-prepared before the busier months arrive. If you’re interested in being part of this rewarding experience, please take a moment to fill out the form by clicking here . Thank you for considering how you can be part of this special ministry! If you have any questions, see Sis. Joy Gardner, Sis. Calla Dotterer, Sis. Lynn Baltic. Visiting Ministers: Bro. Todd Sinn (Latty), Bro. Ross Stoller (Latty), Bro. Warren Schlatter (Junction), Bro. Todd Stoller (Latty) Click here to view the update from Apostolic Christian LifePoints
By Rittman Web Manager December 22, 2024
Our Sunday School Christmas Program is planned for tonight at 6:45 PM. Please have your children here by 6:15 PM. Sign-up sheets for help are posted on the women’s bulletin board. Everyone is welcome to attend the program. Today is the last day to sign up for Men’s Groups for next year. Click here to sign-up. For any questions, contact Bro. Steve Stoller or Bro. Rob Widmer. The wedding singing for Bro. Emil Stoller & Sis. Gabby Kries is scheduled for this coming Saturday at 7:00 PM here at the church. All are welcome. It is time to update the rotating dishwasher list for 2025. There is a list of current dishwashers posted on the women’s bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Karen Beery. It is also time to update the list for coffee makers. If you would like to add or remove your name from the list see the bulletin board. See Sis. Jill Gasser with any questions. 2025 Church Positions: - Church Trustee: Bro. Kirk Gasser - Song Leader: Bro. Jared Keever - Usher: Bro. Trevin Hartzler - Nursing Home Auxiliary: Sis. AnnMarie Widmer, Sis. Jan Stoller - Kitchen Committee: Sis. Kelly Gasser Singing tonight at Mansfield has been cancelled. New convert this week: Jenna Gasser (Bro. Kenny & Sis. Brenda) Engagement: Sis. Heidi Hartzler to Bro. Justin Palitto (Akron). Sis. Heidi is the daughter of Bro. Sam & Sis. Gail Hartzler and Bro. Justin is the son of Bro. Bryon & Sis. Lisa Palitto (Akron). Visiting Ministers: Bro. Bryon Palitto (Akron), Bro. Andrew Klopfenstein (Columbus)
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